Concertunderground cinema

Throne of Blood

27 juni 21:00 - 23:00


Once every month Huis De Pinto collaborates with a treasured Amsterdam film curator, to transform our beautiful historic library into a cosy cinema for independent and experimental filmswith a socially relevant theme.

Shakespeare's deeply English tale of deceit and skulduggery "Macbeth" is embraced by master director Akira Kurosawa and transformed into something unmistakably Japanese. Throne of Blood (Kumonosu-jô, 蜘蛛巣城 1957), set in feudal times, follows the story of Washizu, a Samurai warrior who one day encounters a mysterious spirit that predicts his future. As the predicted events begin to unfold, Washizu's greedy wife pushes him to speed up the prophesy by taking events into his own hands.
Kurosawa shot this film on Mount Fuji because it evoked a menacing mood... bathed in swirling mist and played out on black volcanic soil, this lays down the foundation of this sinister story. Powerful as hell, mostly due to the actor Toshiro Mifune (The Seven Samurai) in one of his key performances, combined with the poetically arrow-sharp direction of Kurosawa. This movie is generally considered to be one of the director's most astounding achievements.

the movie is Japanese with English subtitles
start 20:30 | admission 3 euro (cash only), free entrance for Vrienden van Huis De Pinto

(This screening was originally scheduled for June 20th, but moved to the 27th.)